13 October, 2011

Tooltips missing Black and White 2

It seems that Black & White 2 has a specific indicator to show whether tooltips are enabled or disabled. The red cross in a white ellipse in the left corner of the screen serves as a visual cue that tooltips are currently disabled.

04 August, 2011

Fatal error: Call to undefined function node_form_validate() in .../includes/form.inc on line 1414

Solution to Drupal 7 error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function node_form_validate() in .../includes/form.inc on line 1414

Place next peace of code to your module.

module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');

22 February, 2011

Google Maps Estonian Provinces Cordinates

These are the coordinates of Estonian provinces (maakonnad) centers in latitude and longitude:

13 February, 2011

jQuery Autocomplete with NetBeans

NetBeans does not have built-in support for jQuery autocomplete out-of-the-box. However, you can still enable jQuery autocomplete using the following steps: